Dr. Eric Ochs, Registered Psychologist in Victoria, BC
Keeping up to date with the research in my specialties as well as other mental health topics is an ongoing challenge. Below is a grab bag of links to recent research, articles, blogs and videos from around the web. This information is upgraded and reviewed regularly.
Research & Covid19
How the Guardian newspaper views Mental Health Care in Britain also applies to Canada:
How safe are the antidepressants we prescribe to our youth? Things you need to know:
A different take on the causes and cures of depression:
Virtual reality technology could alleviate the desperate shortage of clinicians:
Dr Katie D'Ath explains how to deal with anxiety and OCD
"Fixing" someone's problem always means listening first
Sometimes, empathy is all we need. Here is Brene Brown on the difference between sympathy and empathy:
Addictions are a serious issue in our society. Our ideas about how to treat it are evolving and here is a fascinating TedTalk about where we are now:
How can I overcome OCD? By acquiring good mental habits, which is like learning to brush your teeth. Both quests have proven good outcomes.
Mental & physical health
A fascinating look at how thinking makes it so.
How being an optimist affects your overall heath and well being: new research.
Meet 'the father of mindfulness', John Zabat-Zinn, and learn how it became a world movement:
How do we balance the rights of patients with the need to medicate?
The smartest thing for overall mental and physical health is to EXERCISE, especially during the age of Covid-19!